the cake got taken away
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Oliver turned 1
the cake got taken away
Monday, October 18, 2010
Book Recommendation
Just bought my own copy, you should get one too and let me know what you think.
Mommy Poem
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sweet 7:30
But here's my main reason why 7:30 is sooo sweet:
The house is quite and its just me and my hubby, time to pick up our feet, relax maybe enjoy some desert together (okay who am I kidding I have desert every night) and just talk about our day and be adults (okay we mostly talk about Oliver) and every 10 mins we glance at the baby monitor just to watch him sleep. But all the same, its nice to have this time together and we look forward to it....We need this time...we love this time... and Cherish this time.
However, things weren't always this way for us, for along time after Oliver was born we didn't make time for each other we ran ourselves ragged and crashed as soon as our heads hit the pillow and probably said a few short sentences to each other the entire evening and sometimes on the weekend if we didn't have a million things going on we would actually spend time together. But it wasn't enough, we realized that our marriage had to come 1st (after God of course) Once we realized this, with lots of prayer, we made a huge change and so when I say "Sweet 7:30" it is with a grateful heart that we have made this time "OUR time". We absolutely love and cherish our time with Oliver and love being parents and hope to add many more to our family (Lord willing) but the Lord laid heavy on our hearts to make it a priority to spend time with each other...It may not be a fancy dinner or a night on the town but its US and that's all that matters.
In my short time of being a parent I have learned some valuable lifelong lessons (most not the easy way) and "Sweet 7:30" is one that I am soo thankful for and its my prayer that as we grow as a family, through the years that we would always remember US! As I heard a wise women say this week (who was actually the one who inspired me to write this post) "Parenting is passing, but your marriage is forever" so take care of it...
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Things I Know now...
Parenting Tips (from a not so experienced mommy)
1. Don't ever hold your naked newborn for too long, you will get pooped or peed on.
2. Always have an extra stash of wipes and diapers or else you may end up using chipotle napkins from the glove box for wipes and an old shirt as a diaper.
3. If you don't like your own cooking, then don't expect your baby to like it either.
4. Always make sure your not leaking breast milk BEFORE you go into a store.
5. Don't ever tell people that your baby "sleeps through the night" as soon as you say it they will prove you wrong.
6. Always make sure your baby is actually buckled in their car seat BEFORE you start driving.
7. Don't ever ASSUME your husband is watching the baby or else you might end up in the emergency room (that's a whole other post in itself)
8. If you really need a good nights sleep, don't be afraid to turn your baby monitor off (don't judge!)
9. Don't expect to ever take another peaceful shower or restroom break for that matter.
10. As soon as you lay down for a nap, the baby will always wake up from his!
11. Don't leave your good shoes lying around or they could end up in the toilet.
12. As soon as you think you have them figured out, they change.
13. The key to keeping from going crazy is, an early bedtime.
14. Just because your 8 month old can climb up the stairs doesn't mean he should.
15. Your phone should never be used as a teething toy
16. When leaving the house make sure to pack EVERYTHING!
17. Most importantly give lots and lots of hugs and kisses and cuddle them way too much, and tell them just how much you love them all the time, cause they grow up way too fast!
okay Id better stop here....And to think I only have 1 lol Love my crazy life, wouldn't trade it for the world!
Please tell me Im not the only mommy who has experienced these?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lets try this again
Well, we did end up figuring it out, or should I say, we got by. But it has definitely been a life changing experience but a great one at that!
So jumping ahead to today 9 months later, well we are still trying to figure it all out and in the mean time I better write all my mishaps, fun adventures and sweet moments down before this pressure time passes by.
But in all seriousness I absolutely love being a mommy it is such a precious gift from God and I am so blessed that he chose to entrust Me and Scott with this beautiful child. Our desire is to be the parents that God has called us to be and our prayer is that Oliver will grow to love the Lord Jesus with all his Heart!
So Im taking another shot at blogging, and hopefully it wont take me a year to write my next post.
To be continued...
newborn pic

9 months